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May 18, 2021 2 min read

Easton's Mom shared their story with us, and we were blown away by the love, strength and persistence from this family ❤️

In 2007, I married my husband Jason. I knew it would be hard to have a baby because I was diagnosed with PCOS at 14. We didn't think it would be this hard. We never could afford the cost of infertility, so we just seen regular OBs for 10 years. Tons of oral meds and surgeries. Finally in 2015, we start doing fertility treatments. In October 2015, had an ectopic pregnancy my 1st round - we were just excited we could even get pregnant. Few months later, we started back with fertility. After 3 rounds got pregnant. At 16 weeks, we found out we were having a boy and so thrilled. We named him Carter. 5 days later, without any symptoms, my water broke and I miscarried. They didn't know why. It was the worst thing I've ever went through.


Days and months of crying and anger. We decided to try again in 2017. We got pregnant after 2 rounds of fertility. We didn't even tell anyone we were pregnant besides a few close family members. I was watched very closely with ultrasounds. At 18 weeks my cervix was failing. That's when they realized I had an incompetent cervix and that's why I lost Carter. We found out it was another boy and we named him Colton. They did an emergency cerclage and placed emergency on bed rest at home. At 21 weeks I started bleeding and was sent to labor and delivery. Babies foot was down in my uterus. That night my water broke and I thought for sure that we lost him. Next morning did an ultrasound and baby was doing ok. So for 1 week I had ultrasound and blood work


A week later in the hospital at 22 weeks I went into septic shock and went into labor. It was all a blur I was on so many meds. We lost our 2nd son. After that I was told about a rare procedure called an abdominal cerclage that only a few doctors know about. So I went to Indianapolis to see Dr. Sumners in December 2017. In March 2018, did our last and final round of fertility and got pregnant!!! Found out at 15 weeks, another son. My pregnancy was flawless and I delivered a healthy 9 pound 2 oz boy - Easton Lee Asher on 11/23/2018 via c section. We recently just tried for a sibling and had back to back losses. In Nov. a chemical pregnancy and in Dec. an ectopic.

We are wishing nothing but the best for the Asher's and hope to share a happy update on their story in the future!

-Little Rainbow Babies

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