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May 22, 2021 2 min read

Kai was born on Halloween 2019 at 8:31 am, weighing 6lb 15 oz and 19.5 in long at 36 weeks gestation. He was immediately diagnosed with Transposition of the Great Arteries and sent to the NICU at St. Luke’s. He spent 2 days there before he was air flighted to Children’s Primary in SLC. There Kai immediately had a septostomy and he had his switch surgery on November 8th at 8 days old. Kai was released from Children’s Primary on November 18th. We spent a total of 18 days in the hospital before we were able to settle down as a family for the first time in our home.

Kai was able to spend Thanksgiving at home. Kai was home, growing and recovery for 3 weeks when he aspirated in the night due to his NG tube. The stress of aspirating was more than his body could handle. Kai passed away on December 13th at 6 weeks old. He passed away in his mommy and daddy’s arms, surrounded by his family and friends. His funeral was held on December 20, 2019. Kai’s time on this earth was short, but he brought more people together in his time than most do in a lifetime.

6 months after Kai’s passing he sent a little sister to his parents. Stephanie had an uneventful pregnancy and they welcomed their rainbow baby, Alena on February 10th. Kai knew exactly what we needed s to help heal our hearts when he sent us Alena.


To follow Kai and Family, please follow Kai's Journey - a Facebook page dedicated to his memory. It's a place for updates and healing ❤️

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